- N32WB031 Bluetooth series chip, high-performance, ultra-low-power Bluetooth 5.1
- 32-bit Arm Cortex-M0 core
- Max freq up to 64MHz
- Flash 256/512 KB
- SRAM 48 KB
- includes BLE 5.1 RF transceiver, compliant with specification
- Config Option Standard 1 Mbps BLE mode
- Config Option Enhanced 2 Mbps BLE mode
- Config Option Long-range 125 Kbps BLE mode (S8)
- Config Option Long-range 500 Kbps BLE mode (S2)
- including timers, RTC, WWDG, IWDG and interfaces, LPUART, USART, SPI, and I2C
- Detailed specification avaialble in link
Brand – NSING
Part Number – N32WB031WEA7-2
Features / Specifications